

Methodology used to build the database

The environmental impacts are calculated with the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

  • Functional unit: 1 kg ;
  • Time period: 2008 – 2012
  • Scope: different scopes are proposed depending on the needs and the ingredients
    • from craddle to field gate
    • from craddle to storage agency
    • from craddle to French port
    • from craddle to mill gate
  • The calculated impacts follow the ILCD recommendations and the usual practices of international scientific references (CML methodology).
    • Phosphore consumptions (kg P)
    • CED 1.8 non renewable fossil+nuclear (MJ)
    • CED1.8 total (MJ)
    • Climate change ILCD (kg CO2 eq)
    • Acidification ILCD (molc H+ eq)
    • Terrestrial eutrophication ILCD (molc N eq)
    • Freshwater eutrophication ILCD (kg P eq)
    • Marine eutrophication ILCD (kg N eq)
    • Acidification CML baseline (kg SO2 eq)
    • Eutrophication CML baseline (kg PO4---eq)
    • Land competition CML non baseline (m2a)
    • Global warming (GWP100a) (kg CO2 eq)
    • Climate change without land transformation (kg CO2 eq)
  • The methodology for LCI follows the guideline of Agribalyse with some updates :
    • The LCA methodology is homogeneous among inputs,
    • The emissions models were selected to be adapted to French context.
  • The Foreground data of LCI were based on statistical data, network of farms (case study), bibliography and expertise.

The database contains 60 ingredients and 150 LCA. It allows:

  • To represent the current formulation of animal feed.
  • To simulate innovative formulations with the use of emerging inputs
  • To use data of cereals at farm gate (for the production of feed at farm) or at the exit of storage agency (for feed manufacturer).
  • To have data at the exit of mill for transformed inputs (case of meals).
  • To have different transformation process.

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 06 October 2015 | By: Ecoalim